The Zhu Zhu Pet Experiment

For Easter, the girls received Zhu Zhu Pets from their grandparents.

Before letting them play with them, I made a point of emphasizing that they were never, ever to put them close to their hair because it would get caught, hurt and we'd have to cut their hair

(a horrific thought for my princess-y Piper!).

So I had put the fear in her but had also created some curiousity -

what exactly would happen if the Zhu Zhu pet got in her hair?!

Well, during quiet time yesterday, Pipey decided to try an experiment in order to test her hypothesis.

The results weren't pretty and when I went to get her she shook her head, held up the Zhu Zhu Pet attached to poor dolly's hair and said,

"Oh Mama! We need cut her hair!"

This time, at least, curiousity did not 'kill the cat'!

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~ Sally Clarkson

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